Articles of association

For Nordic Mining ASA per 11 March 2024

  1. The name of the company is Nordic Mining ASA. The company is a public limited liability company.
  2. The registered office of the company is in Oslo.
  3. The object of the company is to carry out exploration for minerals and ores, mining activity, technology- -development, activities that may be associated herewith, and participation in other companies anywhere in the world.
  4. The share capital of the company amounts to NOK 1 300 938 396 divided on 108 411 533 shares of a nominal value of NOK 12. The shares of the company shall be registered in the Norwegian Registry of Securities
  5. The board of directors of the company shall have from 3 to 8 members according to the decision of the shareholders’ meeting. Two board members jointly can sign on behalf of the company.
  6. The company shall have an Election Committee consisting of three members who shall be elected by the general meeting. The members of the Election Committee shall, when they are elected, be shareholders or representatives of shareholders of the company. The Election Committee shall make recommendations to the general meeting concerning the election of members and deputy members to the board of directors. The Election Committee shall also make recommendations concerning remuneration to such members. Members of the Election Committee are elected for a period of two years. The members of the board of directors which have been elected by the general meeting make recommendations for and adopt instructions for the Election Committee.
  7. The shareholders’ meeting shall deal with:
    1. Adoption of the annual accounts and annual report, including payment of dividends.
    2. Other matters that pursuant to law are the business of the shareholders’ meeting.
  8.  If a document that relates to an issue that the general meeting shall decide on is made available to the company’s shareholders on the company’s website, then such a document does not have to be physically sent to the shareholders of the company. However, such a document shall be sent to the -shareholder free of charge if shareholders request it.
  9. Shareholders that plan to attend a General meeting must give notice to the company within 2 business days of the general meeting. Shareholders who have not given such notice within 2 business days of the general meeting may be denied entrance to the general meeting.
  10. The Board of Directors may determine that the shareholders may cast advance votes in writing in matters to be considered by the general meetings of the Company. Such votes may also be casted through electronic means. Voting in writing requires an adequately secure method to authenticate the sender. The Board of Directors may determine further guidelines for written advance voting. The summons to the general meeting shall state whether advance voting is allowed prior to the general meeting, and, if so, the guidelines for such voting.