Governance, Transparency and Ethics

Our commitment to high ethical standards and transparency is central to how we operate. We prioritize integrity, fairness, and respect in all our interactions with employees, partners, customers, and the wider community.

We maintain strong corporate governance, ensuring compliance with laws, regulations, and international industry practices. Our operations uphold human rights, labor rights, anti-corruption measures, and environmental responsibility. We have not identified any issues deviating from these standards, reflecting our commitment to responsible business practices. As previously mentioned, we provide reporting on our compliance with the Norwegian Transparency Act which is available to the public on our website.

We aim to further integrate sustainability and ethical practices into our culture, strengthening compliance and transparency. Our goal is to lead in responsible business conduct within the mining sector and continue upholding values of integrity and respect for people and the environment.

See more of our work related to governance, transparency and ethics in our sustainability report as part of the annual report for 2024.

Transparency Act

We have undertaken to conduct our business in accordance with the UN’s guiding principles for business and human rights. We respect all internationally recognized human rights, including those enshrined in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the UN Convention on Civil and Political Rights, the UN Convention on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, the International Labor Organization’s (ILO) Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work and current standards within international humanitarian law.

In order to realize these goals, we depend on a collaboration with our suppliers and partners. We therefore undertake to use suppliers who follow the applicable laws and in line with our intentions. This means, among other things, maintaining a high standard of health, safety and security, as well as having an approach to human rights that is in accordance with the goals of the UN’s guiding principles for business and human rights. Our suppliers and partners are obliged to contribute information about their business, and the business of subcontractors, which we can use in our mapping.

Our operations are covered by the Transparency Act and we will annually carry out due diligence assessments by mapping conditions in our value chain, including our suppliers and other business partners. By mapping the value chain, it will give us an overview of whether there is or is a risk that there may be violations of human rights or indecent working conditions. By carrying out due diligence assessments, we can stop, prevent or limit negative consequences that can be linked directly or indirectly to our business.